pricing & policies

Our prices

Current Pricing (all RMT prices include HST) updated as of April 1, 2024

Registered Massage Therapy

30 minutes $75.23 + $9.77(hst) = $85

45 minutes $97.35 + $12.65(hst) = $110

60 minutes $115.05 + $14.95(hst) = $130

75 minutes $137.17 + $17.83(hst) = $155

90 minutes $154.87+ $20.13(hst) = $175


45 minutes $125

60 minutes $145


45 minutes $115

60 minutes $140

75 minutes $165

90 minutes $185


Initial Appointment $140

45 minute follow up $115

60 minute follow up $130

Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture initial appointment $155

Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture follow up $145

Infrared add-on +$40

Fertility/Pregnancy Maintenance follow up $75

our Policies

  • Your appointment time is reserved just for you.

    A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a gap in the therapists' day that could have been filled by another patient.

    As such, we require 24 hours notice for any cancellations. Patients who provide less than 24 hours notice, or miss their appointment, will be charged the full fee to the card on file.

    Please email us directly if there is an urgent matter as to why you need to cancel.

  • The therapist at Airmed MT will treat you for the duration of the time remaining if you arrive late for your treatment. You will be charged the full amount for your appointment. Make sure to leave a few minutes early so that you can arrive, relax and settle in.

  • Abuse, intolerance or defamation of any kind will not be tolerated within the clinic walls. Offending parties will be asked to leave, and not return. We value safety of everyone in our clinic above all else.

  • We love our animals/pets at Airmed.

    However, due to allergy, cleanliness and safety restraints, we cannot allow any animals in the treatment room with you during your treatment.

    The only exception being trained service dogs.